The Android operating system uses the Linux kernel at its core, and also provides an application framework that developers incorporate into their applications.
So the developers will incorporate a health club, pool room, laundry and video rental booth.
The evaluation steps enable the designers and developers to incorporate user and client feedback until the system reaches an acceptable level of usability.
Typically, the method establishes a base level of limitations and a reward scale to entice developers to incorporate the desired development criteria.
Despite the differences in business strategy, however, developers are increasingly incorporating cloud services, which one developer described to Ars as "very, very, very nice."
She suggested that developers incorporate functionality which doesn't rely on the internet, because of the poor 3G connectivity in India in 2012.
The developers have also incorporated cameo roles for characters from other Square Enix games.
The developers incorporated this, allowing zombie ships to effectively reproduce by infecting the players' craft.
Action by construction unions forced the developers and a reluctant architect to incorporate a replacement theatre into the design.
But the planners went one step further by demanding that developers also incorporate measures to promote biodiversity.