It remains to be seen how developers meet the new requirements.
To devise the plan, developers met face-to-face with local residents, politicians and planners.
In August, the five developers met with city officials and began incorporating plans for a performance space into their proposals.
In this phase, developers and their architects meet with planning officials to discuss and review the design.
The developer has met separately with each landowner, though no one is willing to discuss the talks.
The developers met with about 300 residents for 30 hours over two days in October to explain their plans and get feedback.
These planned developments, as they are called, require the developer to meet with Planning Department officials, who evaluate the project.
Last Tuesday, the developers and city officials met with the gardeners after touring the site.
If the developer does not meet the required deadlines, the village will have the option to buy the site.
Over the next two years, the developers and the town board met constantly; environmental and economic consultants were brought in.