This got a development grant in 2009 of £50,000.
There is also an indirect effect on foreign policy; the Parliament must approve all development grants, including those overseas.
An Award acts as a development grant to help realise the full potential of a project based in a college of further education.
One effect of the rising medical expenses has been that counties are paring back other services, like roads and economic development grants.
With that money, the Carpenter Society bought 52 parcels of land, then went back to the state seeking a $7 million development grant.
Novels set in the Arctic and the Antarctic will receive a development grant.
These programs include low-interest loans, venture capital, and scientific and economic development grants.
This attracted the English Tourist Board's largest ever single development grant of £1.5 million.
Mr. Pataki spent the day upstate making announcements about economic development grants.
Fujitsu, for example, is obtaining a $50 million development grant for its semiconductor factory.