The development has driven strong job and population growth, and low unemployment.
The development of thermodynamics both drove and was driven by atomic theory.
This wariness is adding to selling pressure, even when there is no new economic or political developments to drive the market.
In addition, the development of new industrial sites was also driving the need for homes on the south west side.
While this shocking development drove a wedge between the Scorpios for a time, true love won out.
Test-driven development offers more than just simple validation of correctness, but can also drive the design of a program.
However, recent economic development in that country have driven annual sales from less than 50 in 1991 to 57,200 in 2006, with 70,000 anticipated for 2007.
Subsequent suburban development of surrounding areas has driven demand for a wide range of service-oriented businesses in the area.
With unemployment rising without restraint, community leaders felt as though economic development was just driving by the town on Interstate-40.
But he cautioned that the rapid development of expensive housing has been driving municipal workers and middle-class families out of the city.