Creating devices smaller than 100 nanometers opens many doors for the development of new ways to capture, store, and transfer energy.
Iraq is expected to assist in the development of credible ways to conduct random checks of ground transportation.
He points out that restrictions on entry and advertising chill the development of low-cost ways to serve the poor.
This encouraged the development and creation of new ways f thinking, which is exactly what he went on to do.
This is leading to development of new ways of testing for the virus that may be more accurate than those in current use.
It called for clinical trials of such medicines and the development of safe ways to deliver them.
The development of ways of coping and accommodating voices in everyday living.
Toward the end of 1950s, the Soviet Union started the development of new ways to utilize coal sludge for power generation.
The new directive should be a stimulus to the development of new ways of creating jobs.
Bailey helped in the development of roads and ways to help farmers sell their products.