Six of them are already being built and the rest are well advanced in the development pipeline.
However, new candidate vaccines continue to move through the development pipeline.
Today, city officials say that 28,500 units are in the development pipeline.
See what's in the development pipeline as researchers race to bring new erectile dysfunction drugs to market.
He will also be looking for indications of strong revenue growth, a sign that new drugs are in the development pipeline.
There are now 13 hotel projects in the development pipeline.
A dozen more are under construction or in the development pipeline.
By the completion of the development pipeline in 2010, over 2,000 new affordable units will have been created.
He said that investors had been bidding up Lilly's stock because of the strong products in its development pipeline.
What's more, only one in 10,000 new chemicals makes it all the way through the development pipeline.