As for the game's development schedule, the team is hoping to release the game soon.
This led to changes in the design, followed by further testing, all greatly lengthening the development schedule.
Valve Corporation was long known for an exceptionally protracted development schedule.
His approach had worked, not only enabling him to get fully functional F1s after three revisions, but also chopping the development schedule in half.
The tight development schedule resulted in the 3D models being created immediately after designs were completed.
Who knew how far this could set back the development schedule for the new stardrive?
Combined, these problems have slowed flight testing and used up almost all the margin in Boeing's development schedule.
Because of an aggressive development schedule, this was the final build that would be officially released to the general public for testing.
Barlow also played an important role in the modernization of the building industry, through designing and following a highly structured development schedule.
The aerospace and defense industries are even more likely to impose a tight development schedule.