The greatest development of Christian mosaics unfolded in the second half of the 6th century.
Applied research and development in the institute often unfold in close collaboration with partners from industry.
"Before we get into hypothetical situations, let's see how this most recent and extremely deplorable development unfolds," Mr. Baker said.
At the same time, another development was unfolding that would quickly entail a major expense for the company.
And as developments unfolded, he should have remained at third.
As developments unfolded, Baylor's run did not matter.
On 28 March, as these developments unfolded, Eisenhower announced his decision to adjust his plans governing the future course of the offensive.
So at the moment a very interesting development is unfolding in the Slovak Republic.
Very few people could envision how the developments would unfold over two decades.
Analysts said, however, that investors were still nervous, and that buying could quickly turn to selling as developments in the Middle East unfold.