The university is the center of knowledge, development of skills values, ideas and attitudes for engaging developmental challenges in the country.
The centre focuses its research on issues pertaining to governance, security, and developmental challenges in Afghanistan.
The media serve as toys for these young people but also provide developmental challenges.
In Nepal, children under the age of five face many developmental challenges.
Currently, the school provides a structured team approach to support primary and junior students, aged 4 to 12, who have developmental challenges.
Freud only focused on the Oedipus complex which reflected developmental challenges that face every young boy.
Whatever the underlying reason(s) are,about having large numbers of girls outside the formal schooling system brings developmental challenges to both current and future generations .
And I think coming to grips with it is one of those important developmental challenges of life.
Settling into permanent farming communities presented new developmental challenges.
Even without a hostile neighbour to the north, South Sudan faces enormous developmental challenges.