What has society come to when we ignore the important developmental functions of child's play (front page, April 7)?
This is a high power institution which has been given vast powers to check malfeasance in local governments in the discharge of developmental functions.
- any financial devolution should be committed to accepting that much of the developmental functions at the district level would be played by the panchayats.
This basic developmental function has been conserved during evolution, as related mechanisms were identified in other model organisms.
The Office of Administration has a responsibility for the administrative, financial and developmental functions of the Archdiocese.
All developmental functions are performed separately by the three Autnomous Communities.
These budgetary and developmental functions are subject to the approval and review of the Ministry of Finance.
The State Bank of Pakistan also performs both the traditional and developmental functions to achieve macroeconomic goals.
KDM5 protein family appear to play key developmental functions.
Some researchers posit that Sehnsucht has a developmental function that involves life management.