Shankar studied developmental neurobiology with special emphasis on malnutrition during the brain growth spurt.
Rao received his MD from Bombay University, India, and then earned a PhD in developmental neurobiology from California Institute of Technology.
The 'neuroscience and education argument' as Bruer defines it, stems from three major findings in developmental neurobiology.
Zupanc has made important contributions to several disciplines within biology, including neuroethology, neuroanatomy, neuroendocrinology, and developmental neurobiology.
Conceptually and theoretically, the field is related to fields as diverse as comparative psychology, neuroethology, developmental neurobiology, evo-devo, behavioral ecology, anthropology, sociocultural evolution and evolutionary psychology.
"I woke up and the water was lapping around the bed," recalls her younger daughter, Maria, who is a professor of developmental neurobiology at University College, London.
He was chairman of the department of developmental neurobiology at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
Which makes sense from some perspectives, but not really in terms of developmental neurobiology.
Experts in developmental neurobiology told of their efforts to understand how the fetal brain grows from a simple cluster of cells into a complex, precisely wired information processor.
Specifically, his work has shown that neuronal activity does not instruct the formation of specific connections in the developing visual system, a view widely held in the field of developmental neurobiology.