But few studies have focused on developmental outcomes for children under 3.
However, different relationship experiences can lead to different developmental outcomes.
The diathesis-stress model has also served as useful in explaining other poor (but non-clinical) developmental outcomes.
A longitudinal study of adult life experiences and developmental outcomes.
Actualization of an undifferentiated human self is not a developmental outcome in Dąbrowski's terms.
Parent-child interactions, parenting stress, and developmental outcomes at 4 years.
Blind infants are at risk for poor developmental outcomes that if left untreated can lead to severe, autistic-like behaviors.
One study showed that reflective writing with insightful analysis had the best developmental outcomes for the writer themselves.
Parents' emotional and psychological needs must be met if their baby's developmental outcomes are to be maximized.
The grant can be used for either development or execution of plans to improve educational and developmental outcomes for students in distressed neighborhoods.