An honored developmental pediatrician and a respected and beloved colleague.
She became a developmental pediatrician and now works with handicapped children in New York.
Nobody ever said to us, Nora needs speech therapy, or Nora should see a developmental pediatrician.
The team includes: school teachers, parents, the primary pediatrician, and developmental pediatricians.
"Our purpose is not to produce the next generation of world-renowned musicians," said Ms. Ma, a developmental pediatrician and the orchestra society's executive director.
That's what I do in my job, too, as a developmental pediatrician.
But a developmental pediatrician testified that Timothy "did not have educational needs and could not benefit from an education."
Primary care may send them to a developmental pediatrician who diagnoses them and says .
Annual incomes of $50,000 or more had higher rates of using developmental pediatricians and speech/language therapists.
These families also had a quarter of the odds of seeing a psychologist, developmental pediatrician, or implementing sensory integration.