However, there is considerable variation in the achievement of milestones, even between children with developmental trajectories within the normal range.
The Rajputs were, in his opinion, on the same developmental trajectory that nations such as Britain had followed.
In contrast, the bilingual infants followed a different developmental trajectory.
The distinction between root and specialised branch is developmental; true roots follow a different developmental trajectory to stems.
International evidence suggests that antisocial children and youth follow a developmental trajectory in which the antisocial acts they engage in become more serious.
Although these children's behavior at 12 months is not a serious problem, they appear to be on developmental trajectories that will end in poor social skills and relationships.
These developmental trajectories suggest the existence of antisocial pathways in certain individuals, which have important implications for both research and treatment.
Model construction research involves latent growth modeling to determine developmental trajectories and structural equation modeling.
Rasch Analysis (1980) is now widely used to show sequentiality within a developmental trajectory.
The developmental trajectory for sensory dominance and multisensory interactions still remains to be characterised.