Often, these pseudo-transformational leaders engage in deviant practices to maintain the illusion of rising rates of return.
In 1886 noted sexologist Richard von Krafft-Ebing listed homosexuality along with 200 other case studies of deviant sexual practices in his definitive work, Psychopathia Sexualis.
Second, the text expressly proposes deviant practices as forms of rebellion.
Historian Ian Kershaw contends that stories circulated at the time as to alleged "sexual deviant practices ought to be viewed as ... anti-Hitler propaganda".
Because it is a deviant sexual practice.
Just as, in my opinion, they should block sites promoting other deviant sexual practices, like incest, pedophaelia, bestiality, necrophelia, etc.
Certain deviant sexual practices, enumerated below, were considered gravely immoral "abominations" sometimes punishable by death.
He enquired: "Does that mean that every deviant practice has to be accommodated?
There, they are exploited not only for work, but also for various deviant practices, including sexual practices, paedophilia and child pornography.
Of course, deviant practices were predictable and it took no time for bandits of all kinds to arm themselves with this very effective tool.