To perform the test, the examining physician grasps the thumb and the hand is ulnar deviated sharply, as shown in the image.
If the actual inflation rate deviates sharply from expectations, the price signals that govern market economies will be seriously distorted.
The nature of Aristoxenus's scales and genera deviated sharply from his predecessors.
"But this image deviates sharply from the reality."
It deviated sharply from earlier Reagan years, when the military sought substantial increases in spending and left most decisions on how to cut the spending to Congress.
Thus the nature of Aristoxenus' scales and genera deviated sharply from his predecessors.
This portrayal deviates sharply from history, as Cicero survives the civil war to witness Octavius assume the title of princeps.
Paired with snug bodices, these skirts swirled down the runway making pretty patterns, deviating sharply from today's more austere styles.
Typically, his interpretations deviate sharply from those of performers who equate faithfulness with a literalist devotion to the score.
This answer, while heartfelt, deviated sharply from the Clinton administration's policy against medical marijuana.