The device can also cause patients' voices to become hoarse.
The device, a 750-liter drum filled with chemicals, could have caused a huge explosion and fire, police officials said.
This device caused Marle to go back in time, inevitably leading to the start of the game.
Without a control group, however, it was impossible to determine if the device had caused the improvement.
Over time, the devices wear out and can cause extreme pain.
The device damaged water and gas mains but caused no casualties.
But he said there was little doubt that the explosive device the men had been carrying could have caused serious damage.
Patrons with hearing aids must be especially sensitive to the problems these essential devices can cause.
However, there are compelling reasons to be concerned about the risk of harm this device may cause if routinely used in general practice.
I do not think such a device should cause too much strain on the principle of proportionality.