The accumulated charge can be high enough to keep the transistors permanently open (or closed), leading to device failure.
Advanced Bionics has determined that device failure may occur due to moisture inside the product.
Because of the latter, low tech systems often recommended as a backup in case of device failure.
This is reported to be the biggest worldwide device failure in consumer electronics history.
There is also the risk of device failure, usually where the incision does not heal properly.
These new materials could lead to a significant reduction in hospital infections and medical device failures.
Similar to interconnects, repeated thermal stresses can eventually lead to device failure.
These temperature fluctuations can influence electrical behavior and lead to device failure.
Davol is not the only company where agency inspectors have found problems with how a manufacturer tracks and reports possible device failures.
In 2006, there were 497 (about 0.09%) cases in which candidates had to be given re-tests because of device failure.