Its shares, buoyed by acquisition speculation in the medical device industry, closed yesterday at $29.56, up 4.8 percent this week.
This is why researchers, practitioners and the medical device industry focus on such devices.
Lately, it is being adopted by the medical device industry.
That leaves stomach-banding products as the device industry's best near-term bet.
Respironics bills itself as "the leading worldwide resource in the medical device industry".
One area where this is particularly important is in our medical device industry.
He has opposed taxes both on the medical device industry and employer provided health insurance plans as a means to pay for health care reform.
"It's a business deal," said one of the employees, who declined to be named because he still works in the medical device industry.
It was a remarkably quiet conclusion to the biggest and most contentious takeover battle yet in the medical device industry.
"I can't think of any other segment of the device industry where a single doctor has been so involved in litigation," he said.