But the Other World was a devilishly difficult place to investigate!
Most of the time, corruption cases are devilishly difficult to develop.
They might find places to hide, but they would have a devilishly difficult time getting lost.
As any journalist in the country knows, getting them on record can be devilishly difficult.
Unlike oil, natural gas can be devilishly difficult and expensive to ship around the world.
Combining components to make a complex chip is devilishly difficult.
For all the tiger's cultural presence, the animal proper is devilishly difficult to find in the wild.
Nobody yet knows where the invading virus came from, as this is a devilishly difficult disease to track.
He has suffered a mild stroke and is 53 years old, but remains devilishly difficult to keep up with.
The schools are easy to destroy, but costly and devilishly difficult to rebuild.