While parents' views should always be considered, school officials must devise policies that are in the best interests of the entire community.
It is important for them to be involved in devising policy, both at European level and at the other levels.
The four regents devised policies to aid in the recovery and development of China.
One must understand the scope of the problem before one can devise effective policy.
During the Depression, he devised policies for small businesses.
In other words we are devising policies for the companies instead of for the consumers.
The association, based in Manhattan, devises long-range public policies on economic development, transportation, land use and other issues.
The obvious area for concerted action at the moment is devising policies to combat drug trafficking.
For better or worse, they are devising policies that are increasingly inconsistent with one another.
These panels called upon experts from all related fields to sift through public comment and devise policies.