The provision for resolving a tie was originally lacking and hastily devised during the 2001 election.
The different projects devised during the 1960s, under the Francoist regime, were very ambitious.
This methodology has been devised during years of extensive psychological work on the assessment of the transfer of learning from one task to another.
The concept was devised during 2001 by a team working for a major UK Retail Company.
Some of the music was devised during a series of improvisational workshops.
The extended project was devised by Sir Mike Tomlinson in 2006, during his review of 16 to 19-year-olds' education.
Mr. Obama chose, instead, to use the urgency of the moment to push forward with an agenda first devised during better economic times.
The two missiles were, along with the atom bomb, the most momentous weapons devised during the war.
Hall joined Reverie in the months before its first issue, proposing a strip he'd first devised during his last year of high school.
It is a book of epigrams, many of which were devised by Mary during her experimentation with hallucinogenic substances.