Today, there are more than 70 playing techniques, many of which were devised only over the last century.
Many of these restrictive spending categories have been devised over the years by urban Democrats trying to funnel more money to city schools.
At the time, the air race stood as the longest race ever devised and attracted over 70,000 spectators to the base.
New systems were devised over the centuries.
Many coherent and incoherent techniques have been devised over the years.
A wide range of procedures have been devised over the years to exploit the difference.
A variety of such mechanisms have been devised over the years, with varying success.
And he described all the methods he has devised over the years to survive on Cooper.
Many of the special streams of revenue have been devised over the years by urban Democrats trying to funnel more money to schools in cities.
He claimed to have devised over 600 different items, and patented about 40 of them.