According to federal law, at least 20 acres of the island must be devoted to educational purposes.
The profits are invested, and the interest devoted to charitable purposes.
They were one of the first units to have their own armory devoted solely to military purposes.
As a result, Christian armies began to devote their efforts to sacred purposes.
The members of the editorial group spontaneously agreed that the royalties should be devoted to spiritual and charitable purposes.
In contemporary times, money is collected only from the membership, and is to be devoted to charitable purposes.
From this time he devoted all his means to charitable purposes and to the enrichment of the college.
There were six buildings devoted to academic purposes, the chief of which were large and most conveniently arranged.
The resources that might remedy our economic decline lie in our own hands, but we have been unwilling to devote them to productive purposes.
Vow to devote a specific proportion of income to religious and charitable purposes made 1 January 1877.