On Super Tuesday, he found his devoted adherents.
But criticizing Falun Gong requires a delicate touch, since it pits the party against a huge number of ordinary people who are devoted adherents, including many retired functionaries.
Nowhere did Bogomilism, the name deriving from Old Slavonic for "God have mercy," find more devoted adherents than in feudal Bosnia.
Quoting Johnstone, Zwemer concludes by claiming that his harsh judgment rests on evidence which "comes all from the lips and the pens of his [i.e. Muhammad's] own devoted adherents."
The real paradox here is that the one-drop rule succeeded all too well, so much so that its most devoted adherents today are African-Americans, in spite of its devastating role in their own history of exclusion.
But the process of collecting a fresh royal army was slow, and Goring and his subordinate, Sir Richard Grenville, were alienating the King's most devoted adherents by their rapacity, cruelty and debauchery.
But he was as cunning as he was cruel, and at the first whisper of coming trouble he had secretly conveyed his treasures aboard a ship which was manned by devoted adherents.
He gained, however, many devoted adherents.
They were also passionate believers in it, devoted adherents of the system that betrayed them.
His parents, noble and wealthy Brescians, were devoted adherents of the Catholic Church during the Western Schism.