Helen was a devoted daughter and a great friend to many.
A devoted daughter, Sims found the subsequent six months, in which she had no contact with her parents, a difficult time.
Immediately I knew he loved the son better than he did me, his devoted daughter.
To our dear friend, Rose Ann, you were the most devoted daughter.
That just leaves you and my devoted daughter.
We politely declined, but sent greetings to the mother of a wonderfully devoted daughter.
"I was a devoted daughter," she says as she lifts the spoon to her lips.
But Ms. Lieberman, devoted daughter though she is, gave up the idea after two interviews with potential subjects.
But, instead, all they got was a flattering self-portrait of an earnest, talented, devoted daughter, mother, and wife.
Miss Crackenthorpe is a very devoted daughter, I see,55 she said.