The break will do you good and so will reading about two other extremely harried women, deadline-driven writers and devoted gardeners.
All the endless ritual of the devoted gardener.
Aaron, who is a devoted gardener and the brother of Adam, was already dreaming about planting carrots, lettuce, potatoes and parsley in his backyard.
She gradually learned, and it was a marvelous experience seeing a person become a devoted and skilled gardener.
There comes a time when even the most devoted gardener has to take a rest.
In an era when even the most devoted amateur gardeners are pressed for time, the tough plants favored by colonists merit attention.
She was also a devoted gardener and longtime resident of Greenwich Village, where she settled and raised her family.
She was a devoted organic gardener who practiced diligently what she preached in many of her mulch gardening books.
They did not know that my mother was a devoted gardener who spent more time tending her vegetables than she did the cotton.
You told me, Mr. McNab, a distinguished group of sincere and devoted gardeners.