It might even force local governments to let worshipers erect creches and other devotional objects on public space.
There was almost nothing he could not do, from small devotional objects to large ceilings.
The Riabov excerpt opens with icons and other devotional objects dating from the 15th to the 19th century.
With that his interest in medieval art, in the form of books and devotional objects, took hold.
St Mary's is full of treasures and devotional objects.
Sellers of devotional objects and musicians who performed in the restaurant were quickly attracted to the site.
Only after the demolition of the chapel in 1987 were all devotional objects removed to the Singelkerk.
Jesus's suffering is depicted with soul-searing intensity, making it a powerful devotional object.
They can act as shrines, protection, or devotional objects, and may be part of active religious practice.
It could be portable and serve as a private devotional object.