It was established in 2002 by Prof. Faisal Masud as diabetes clinic and latter on shifted to its present purpose built site.
The downtown satellite locations contains an anti-coagulation clinic, a diabetes clinic, a satellite laboratory, a physician's practice, an accounting office and the Women's Health Center.
During East German times, the palace housed a diabetes clinic.
You can buy a diabetes test kit over the counter, too, but we don't want people all over the country opening diabetes clinics without any medical training.
The hospital also recently closed its diabetes clinic.
The university formed its medical school in 1925, and Dr. Gibbs organized the region's first diabetes clinic that year at Rochester General Hospital.
Joslin Diabetes Center is the world's largest diabetes research center, diabetes clinic, and provider of diabetes education.
The Joslin Clinic was the world's first diabetes care facility and today maintains its place as the largest diabetes clinic in the world.
Clinical investigation unit of teaching hospital recruiting from diabetes clinics of five teaching hospitals and one district general hospital.
We recruited subjects from the diabetes clinics of five teaching hospitals and one district general hospital.