Perhaps there was some diabolical scheme to take revenge upon the whole family.
Looking down at the man on the bed, I had that half smug, half-guilty feeling you get when your most diabolical schemes start to pay off.
All day she planned new and diabolical schemes for revenge.
They'd come here to drink when they were still underage, sitting at a back table planning their diabolical schemes.
He's had thirty years to perfect his diabolical genetic schemes.
The vampires, including those within his own family, turned him into a mere inert resource for their diabolical schemes.
It's a diabolical scheme for domination of the desktops of corporate America.
It wasn't until after dinner that I'd realized her diabolical scheme.
Every time you get too damned polite, you've got some diabolical scheme up your sleeve.
"Which was all part of my diabolical scheme," she teased, sighing and pushing his hair from his eyes.