Pointer's tone was neutral, but his mind cast over various diagnostic possibilities.
It provides exhaustive diagnostic possibilities for 11,000 diseases and 30,000 findings.
Diagnostic procedures are the specific tools that the clinicians use to narrow the diagnostic possibilities.
Translated subtitles suggested Vinson had vCJD whereas that was only one initial diagnostic possibility.
Of all the diagnostic possibilities, infections were probably the most serious.
The philosopher had neatly encapsulated the four diagnostic possibilities: true positive, true negative, false negative and false positive.
As she spoke, it occurred to me that old age was only one diagnostic possibility.
When an ovarian malignancy is included in the list of diagnostic possibilities, a limited number of laboratory tests are indicated.
When both chemical levels are low, as in this case, there are different diagnostic possibilities, Dr. Seldin said.
When the genitalia are determined to be ambiguous at birth, CAH is one of the leading diagnostic possibilities.