Running a test series for memory leaks requires special diagnostic software, much expertise and lots of time with the system.
It has some of the best diagnostic software and autorepair components that anyone's ever seen.
A hundred thousand miscellaneous files were opened and read as the diagnostic software searched for the correct command prefixes.
The best of these correctly execute DEC's operating systems and diagnostic software.
The cassette load method also allowed engineering staff to load and execute diagnostic software.
The new ESS also came with its own diagnostic software that required only a switchman and several frame technicians to maintain.
It cannot be corrected by clearing ECU errors by running diagnostic software.
As the nervous ensign spoke he quickly scanned the system board, waiting for the diagnostic software to evaluate the situation.
Guardent, a security consulting firm, is one of many companies that has developed diagnostic software to help assess companies' wireless security holes.
In Bombay and Bangalore, programmers aided by satellite communications write diagnostic software for the entire company.