I think that, set in this context, the dialectical relationship between the individual and the social takes on a new significance.
From the outset, Kiarostami formulates a dialectical relationship between image and sound.
In short there is a dialectical relationship between agricultural technology and relations of production.
Then desire appears as a social construct since it is always constituted in a dialectical relationship.
Often the development of these socio-political institutions have formed a dialectical relationship with rights.
For Marx, the primary form of mediation is labor, which forms a dialectical relationship between a worker's body and nature.
Their movements had often evolved in a dialectical relationship with an aggressive secularism which showed scant respect for religion and its adherents.
"The industry celebrates them prematurely, and we don't enter into a dialectical relationship with them."
Thus ideology and the 'superstructure' are not merely reflections of the material economic 'base', but exist in a dialectical interactive relationship with it.
This leaves the state totally subordinate to the ruling class, making a consideration of the 'dialectical relationship between the state and 'the system' impossible.