Should avoid height to diameter ratios greater than 7:1.
Height to diameter ratio has no limitation.
For many asteroids, lightcurve analysis provides estimates of pole direction and diameter ratios.
Height to diameter ratio is larger than cheese head.
For holes, the length to diameter ratio of the tools are less critical, but should still be kept under 10:1.
Large naval guns will have length to diameter ratios of 38:1 to 50:1.
Only by suing specimens with length/ diameter ratios as high as 100 or more can uniform strain across the test section be assured.
It also suffered a "freakish" appearance, due to its length to diameter ratio.
If technical ceramic parts are needed where the length to diameter ratio is very large, extrusion may be used.
It is likely that Bonneville is a secondary crater, given its low depth to diameter ratio.