He spoke to a contact in diamond trading.
The Council welcomed efforts by the diamond industry to work on a more transparent system of diamond trading.
There are also list-based sanctions related to terrorism, diamond trading, narcotics, nuclear proliferation, and the sovereignty of Lebanon.
It was founded to create an international regulatory system to remove blood diamonds from diamond trading.
These terms are particularly used in the context of diamond trading to indicate the negative effects for this sale.
They made a modest living supplying goods to mines and diggers, and later branched into diamond trading.
Economic activity in the surrounding area includes diamond mining, and the town is a centre for diamond trading.
De Beers now dominates global diamond trading, and Anglo American is the West's largest gold producer.
The exchange is a private company that incorporates about 2800 diamantaires members, which are engaged in diamond trading, cutting, marketing, brokerage, import and export.
As a result, the pressure to resume illicit diamond trading and reopen prospecting to outsiders is growing.