Because the tarts need to bake only 20 to 25 minutes, the diced fruit for the filling has to be sautéed briefly with butter and sugar.
There is also fresh diced fruit for dipping in a chocolate fondue.
There are also people selling diced fruit, corn on the cob, chips, and drinks.
To serve, place 3 or 4 ounces of consommé in each bowl and 2 or 3 tablespoons of the diced fruit.
Place 2 or 3 cookies on the diced fruit and then 2 or 3 scoops of the sorbet.
Garnish with the rest of the diced fruit and sprinkle basil on top.
The serving girls brought in some pomegranate juice and some diced fruit.
The satou is intended to accompany diced fruit.
By the time they reached the food, the kids were seated on the blanket with hot dogs, potato salad, and some diced fruit.
Enjoy with a scoop of sorbet or some diced fruit for dessert.