An interview with Maria Callas first quoted the singer's famous assertion, "Paris dicte la mode au monde entier" ("Paris dictates fashion to the whole world").
It is tempting to look at Influences and believe one has uncovered an "X-Files"-like commission conspiring to dictate fashion.
No one can dictate fashion anymore, but the momentum for change is building.
Austen's novels quickly became fashionable among opinion-makers, namely, those aristocrats who often dictated fashion and taste.
The Empress dictated fashion; she did not follow it.
The exhibition reminds us that nature doesn't just dictate fashion, it is often depicted by clothes that in effect advertise their appropriate season.
Their look dictated fashion, and their catchphrases were on everyone's lips.
Royal preferences, closely studied by every courtier at Versailles, dictated fashion, and fashion at Versailles rippled throughout the civilized world.
The rave head, or philosophy, dictates nonviolent fashion (ravers often look like swaddled scarecrows) and an aerobic nonalcoholic high.
For a long time teenagers have dictated fashion.