This did not win him popularity with the orchestra, who resented his dictatorial manner and heavy rehearsal schedules.
It was just that he did not care for the dictatorial manner in which she was asking it.
King has aligned himself with Tyson against the manager whose dictatorial manner created the split that is now in court.
He was a picture of self-importance, from briefcase to dictatorial manner.
With that he went away, leaving Sophie irritated by what she considered his dictatorial manner.
In this capacity he proved capable and successful, though irritation was frequently caused by his overbearing and dictatorial manner.
It is important that auxiliary rules are used in a diplomatic and not in a dictatorial manner.
He spoke in a subdued and troubled voice, very different from his usual dictatorial manner; and was often at a loss for words.
Ignoring his dictatorial manner, I tied my bandanna to the holly bush, and we headed back.
Napoleon or Hitler for someone with a dictatorial manner.