Castillo was one of the first among leading left-wing politicians to express dismay at the dictatorial nature of Soviet-bloc governments, starting a movement towards a social democracy-based left wing and away from a Moscow-based left leaning opposition in Mexico.
The highly decentralized and democratic nature of the proposed De Leonist government is in contrast to the democratic centralism of Marxism-Leninism and what they see as the dictatorial nature of the Soviet Union.
The Effect of Tradition Jonathan Spence, a historian of China who teaches at Yale, enumerated aspects of the Chinese tradition that seemed to explain the country's modern-day dictatorial nature and the violent suppression of the democracy movement in June.
The dictatorial nature of Palestine's government is predictable because of history, past and present.
However, the hierarchical and dictatorial nature of the SI existed in the groups that birthed it, including the Letterists and the Surrealists.
A third group chooses to highlight the regime's revolutionary, Jacobin and dictatorial nature.
Fatah also stated that: "In refusing to step aside, Elmasry and the CIC have demonstrated the authoritarian and dictatorial nature of their structure.
He tried in vain to make two films - Napoleon and A.I (Artificial Intelligence) - and in his absence stories of his dictatorial and aloof nature were circulated even more widely.
This attitude in no way signifies that we accept the dictatorial nature of the Iraqi Government.
Secondly, if it is claimed that the dictatorial nature of the regime is the reason for military action, then there are significant numbers of other dictatorships against which action is not envisaged.