It can also perform a variety of alterations to the dictionary words and try these.
It filled his mouth up with dictionary words - and rude ones - and he spat them out.
He successfully marketed a software system which merged dictionary words to create new product or brand names for companies.
They would try both dictionary words and coined words.
He hadn't been certain that the man was a foreigner until the dictionary word came out "You have hardly any accent."
Does the same hold true for a dictionary word with alphanumeric additions mixed in, such as "eXample05%"?
Also, what about longer passwords containing a mix of dictionary words with numbers and symbols?
And remember, we did all the dictionary words yesterday well Simmone has got some with pictures in.
You cannot choose to use a tightly laid out puzzle or a custom design without adding dictionary words.
The website got its current name from the obsolete, former dictionary word: storify.