Soranus is known to have written didactic poetry and is likely to have been an influence when Lucretius chose verse as his medium for philosophical subject matter.
The Ars amatoria can be called a burlesque satire on didactic poetry.
This figure is used to represent an individual who utilizes literature (didactic poetry) to enhance the Jacobin's cause.
With the Georgics Virgil is again credited with laying the foundations for later didactic poetry.
Knightly romances came once more into vogue, but the newborn didactic poetry contended vigorously against the supremacy of what was lyrical and epical.
His first collection Ramaniyai ra soratha, was written in the traditional style of didactic poetry rich in images and similes.
However, he was chiefly a writer of didactic poetry and exempla or bispel, and was one of the early pioneers of the genre.
The writings were didactic and hardly poetry in full sense, but Hesiod was a person.
Why is there so much didactic poetry in Arabic?
One must remember that although Swift was an admirable writer of comic verse, the kind of poetry he thought valuable would probably be didactic poetry.