All of the books are written with the more heavily didactic style introduced with 'Starship Troopers'.
"The Alpha course, because of its didactic style, its narrow-mindedness and its closed nature, doesn't facilitate alternative views", he says.
They range from the pornographic to the didactic style of Open University programmes.
Thus, Rumi began creating a work in the didactic style of Sana'i and 'Attar to complement his other poetry.
In the twentieth century the books have most often been viewed as quintessential examples of the didactic style of children's writing popular before Alice.
He wrote page after page, in a didactic and not very bouncy style, on how this should be done.
The story is not written in a didactic style.
Surely Mma Holonga, with her wealth and position, could find somebody better than this curious teacher with his ponderous, didactic style.
What the union doesn't like is a didactic style.
The visual conceit of the film - that the eponymous suburb is shown in black and white - merely hints at the didactic style.