The inference you're drawing,' said Paviour, in a voice thinner and more didactic than Gus had ever yet heard it, 'is a correct one.
This time the letter was written in Larch's most didactic voice; he wrote to Homer Wells; he told Homer everything.
Even though the event he describes takes place in the 1790's, his own didactic voice as a modern black writer with something to report comes through.
Genevieve's own voice, girlish, impulsive and yet didactic, rang out with the story of her planet.
Why, he wondered, had so much of their conversation become a boring repetition of the obvious, dominated by Helen's high didactic voice.
Akadie spoke in his most didactic voice: The name derives from old Glottisch: Fan is a corybantic celebration of glory.
These displays, like all others in the museum, impressively reflect the didactic voice of authority familiar to museum visitors everywhere.
(That sentence is in a didactic, op-ed voice, and has no place in this light and airy space.)
The theories of Lamarck, I am pleased to report, were quoted by the exiled schoolteacher, who spoke in his best didactic voice.
On many nights those passing by his little back garden might hear his high, didactic voice laying down the law to men and particularly to women.