He died in the hospital's emergency room on Oct. 7 after spending 18 hours there.
In the spring of 1865 his mother died after spending the past seven years in increasingly poor health.
Merino died at the age of 42 on September 6 after spending 27 days in hospital.
Ten years later, Pony died after spending the last decade with her son.
Last weekend a prominent lawyer died at there after spending 18 hours in the emergency room.
Had he died after spending just two years in the past, at the age of forty-two?
He died on 3 March 2013 after spending most of his final years in hospital.
Edymann died in hospital after spending two days on a life support machine.
She died on 5 March 1975 after spending several months in the hospital.
He died January 11, 2006, after spending his final day teaching students.