The lawyer said Mr. Rowe had worked for a private security company but died bankrupt.
He never knew his mother, and his father died bankrupt, leaving only debts.
His father died almost bankrupt when he was six years old, and the family homestead narrowly avoided being sold to cover these debts.
In June 1869, he died bankrupt at age 51.
When a shareholder dies or becomes bankrupt, their shares and the rights associated with them must be given to a personal representative or executor.
Richardson had money problems in his later years and died bankrupt.
Her financial support may have saved him from dying bankrupt.
He died bankrupt in 1860 or 1861, though a son of his followed him into the cabinetry business.
He spent the next seven years searching unsuccessfully for financial backers to manufacture the machine, and died bankrupt.
Charles Schwab himself died bankrupt, living on borrowed money for five years before his death.