But she died miserably before Nevermann made his fortune.
Many a poor exile has been lost in the windings of a salt mine, there to die miserably.
I can only say that they died miserably and in ways that terrified both them and me.
Up there, every minute men were dying miserably for a cause their depersonalized minds did not even comprehend.
We shall both die miserably, and your friend will be irrevocably doomed.
"Why should a God die miserably upon a cross?"
On the brink of the waters of life and truth, we are miserably dying.
"Perhaps, on the other hand, he died miserably!"
You 're going to suffer the same fate as the others and die slowly and miserably.
Owodo took refuge at a place called Uhinwinrin, where he died miserably a few years later.