Unlike 1:64, 1:72 die-cast models are strictly produced in true scale even if they don't fit the original box size.
Thus international online communities for 1:72 die-cast models are more popular than for older scales.
Hundreds of Batman action figures, die-cast models, and other items have been released.
But over the years the network has abounded with die-cast models, Nascar collectibles and all kinds of car-care equipment.
Not to mention getting the Graham campaign to buy 12,500 die-cast models of the truck to be sold for $80 each as a fund-raiser.
Most of the time, collectors who make model airports use die-cast models for their creation.
They introduced the first die-cast models between late 1984 and early 1985.
The models have superseded the Ertl die-cast models range, which has now been discontinued.
In recent years, a large 1:18 die-cast model of a 1985 GT has been released in red and silver.
This die-cast model went on to become one of their best-selling products.