A few add interviews with the latest diet guru.
Fat to fame - how many modern diet gurus have used that story to enormous effect, not to mention wealth?
France's top diet guru Pierre Dukan is urging the government to grade students on their weight in a bid to curb growing obesity.
I feel their pain, having experienced similar pangs when the Duchess of York popped up in America as a diet guru.
Her lack of Jane's memories does hurt at times such as when she sues a diet guru unaware until the trial that Jane did a commercial endorsing the product.
We all have opinions about what is a good diet and these are influenced by the various rules of eating that we take on from diet gurus.
Gentle and laconic, like many born below the 10th parallel - she is from New Zealand - Ms. Pettijohn, 50, seems an unlikely diet guru.
But green tea's health benefits have been much discussed in recent years, as scientists and diet gurus hail its cholesterol-lowering antioxidants.
Water has always been the elixir of the healthy, heralded as an absolute essential by sports doctors and diet gurus alike.