They found that these diets lowered total body mass by 8% over 3-12 months.
"What we do know," she says, "is that a diet high in fruits and vegetables lowers the risk of heart disease."
A diet rich in seeds can lower the risk of gallstones in women.
A low-fat diet, activity, and weight loss can also lower your cholesterol.
But other studies have not shown the association and some others have even suggested that a high-carbohydrate diet lowers blood pressure.
Although very low-fat diets may indeed lower cholesterol levels, they are not recommended.
While proper diet and exercise can lower your risk for heart disease, you may still be at risk.
And the diet will lower her risk of heart disease.
A diet low in cholesterol and saturated fat will lower cholesterol levels and reduce your risk for heart disease.
A healthy diet, medication, and moderate exercise can lower most people's cholesterol.