Mice can be feed once or twice a month but should not be a diet staple.
Why they generally ignore other nutritious plants growing right alongside their diet staple is just one of many mysteries awaiting further research.
How did this Italian peasant food become a diet staple?
They noted that diet staples such as nuts, grapes, oranges, apples, and fresh tomatoes were protective against allergies.
(Insects are a diet staple during warm weather.)
"Meat is the great diet staple," Creyn replied.
Rice, whether as grain, flour, paper, cakes or noodles, is the diet staple.
Tasti D-Lite, the low-calorie frozen dessert, which was introduced in the 1980's and became a diet staple for chic weight watchers, may be encountering competition.
Advocates for the poor, citing statistics, say per capita consumption of cereal grains, beans and lentils - the diet staple of the poor - has hardly increased throughout India in recent decades.
Olive oil: This Mediterranean diet staple is rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and plant compounds that may have anti-inflammatory action to fight heart disease and cancer.